It is common for
today’s scientific and business industries to collect large amounts of data,
and the ability to analyze the data and learn from it is critical to making
informed decisions. Familiarity with software such as R allows users to
visualize data, run statistical tests, and apply machine learning algorithms.
Even if you already know other software, there are still good reasons to learn
R is free. If your future employer does not already have R
installed, you can always download it for free, unlike other proprietary
software packages that require expensive licenses. No matter where you travel,
you can have access to R on your computer.
R gives you access to cutting-edge technology. Top researchers
develop statistical learning methods in R, and new algorithms are constantly
added to the list of packages you can download.
R is a useful skill. Employers that value analytics recognize R
as useful and important. If for no other reason, learning R is worthwhile to
help boost your r´esum´.
Note that R is a programming
language, and there is no intuitive graphical user interface with buttons you
can click to run different methods. However, with some practice, this kind of
environment makes it easy to quickly code scripts and functions for various
statistical purposes. To get the most out of this tutorial, follow the examples
by typing them out in R on your own computer. A line that begins with > is input at the command prompt. We do not include the output in
most cases, but you should try out the commands yourself and see what happens.
If you type something at the command line and decide not to execute, press the
down arrow to clear the line; pressing the up arrow gives you the previous
executed command.
1.2 Installing
and loading packages
Functions in R are grouped into
packages, a number of which are automatically loaded when you start R. These
include “base,” “utils,” “graphics,” and “stats.” Many of the most essential
and frequently used functions come in these packages. However, you may need to
download additional packages to obtain other useful functions. For example, an
important classification method called Support Vector Machines is contained in
a package called
“e1071.” To install this package,
click “Packages” in the top menu, then “Install package(s)...” When asked to
select a CRAN mirror, choose a location close to you, such as “Canada (ON).”
Finally select “e1071.” To load the package, type library(e1071) at the command prompt. Note that you need to install a package
only once, but that if you want to use it, you need to load it each time you
start R.
1.3 Running code
You could use R by simply typing
everything at the command prompt, but this does not easily allow you to save,
repeat, or share your code. Instead, go to “File” in the top menu and click on “New
script.” This opens up a new window that you can save as a .R file. To execute
the code you type into this window, highlight the lines you wish to run, and
press Ctrl-R on a PC or Command-Enter on a Mac. If you want to run an entire
script, make sure the script window is on top of all others, go to “Edit,” and
click “Run all.” Any lines that are run appear in red at the command prompt.
1.4 Help in R
The functions in R
are generally well-documented. To find documentation for a particular function,
type ? followed directly by the function name at the command prompt.
For example, if you need help on the “sum” function, type ?sum. The help window that pops up typically contains details on
both the input and output for the function of interest. If you are getting
errors or unexpected output, it is likely that your input is insufficient or
invalid, so use the documentation to figure out the proper way to call the
If you want to run
a certain algorithm but do not know the name of the function in R, doing a
Google search of R plus the algorithm name usually brings up information on
which function to use.
When you test any machine learning
algorithm, you should use a variety of datasets. R conveniently comes with its
own datasets, and you can view a list of their names by typing data() at the command prompt. For instance, you may see a dataset
called “cars.” Load the data by typing data(cars), and view the data by typing cars.
Another useful
source of available data is the UCI Machine Learning Repository, which contains
a couple hundred datasets, mostly from a variety of real applications in
science and business. The repository is located at http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets.html. These data are often used by machine
learning researchers
to develop and compare algorithms. We
have downloaded a number of datasets for your use, and you can find the text
files in the Datasets. sectionThese include:
Integer, Real
Haberman’s Survival
Categorical, Integer, Real
Blood Transfusion Service Center
Car Evaluation
Pen-based Recognition of
Handwritten Digits
You are encouraged
to download your own datasets from the UCI site or other sources, and to use R
to study the data. Note that for all except the Housing and Mushroom datasets,
there is an additional class attribute column that is not included in the
column counts. Also note that if you download the Mushroom dataset from the UCI
site, it has 22 categorical features; in our version, these have been
transformed into 119 binary features.
Basic Functions
In this section, we
cover how to create data tables, and analyze and plot data. We demonstrate by
example how to use various functions. To see the value(s) of any variable,
vector, or matrix at any time, simply enter its name in the command line; you
are encouraged to do this often until you feel comfortable with how each data
structure is being stored. To see all the objects in your workspace, type ls(). Also note that the arrow operator <- sets the left-hand side equal to the right-hand side, and that
a comment begins with #.
3.1 Creating data
To create a
variable x and set it equal to 1, type x <- 1. Now suppose we want to generate the
vector [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], and call the vector v. There are a couple different ways to
accomplish this:
> v <- 1:5
> v <- c(1,2,3,4,5) # c can be used to concatenate
multiple vectors > v <- seq(from=1,to=5,by=1)
These can be row vectors or column
vectors. To generate a vector v0 of six zeros, use either of the following.
Clearly the second choice is better
if you are generating a long vector.
v0 <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0)
v0 <-
We can combine vectors into matrices
using cbind and rbind. For instance, if v1, v2, v3, and v4 are vectors of the same length, we can combine them into
matrices, using them either as columns or as rows:
v1 <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
v2 <- c(6,7,8,9,10)
v3 <- c(11,12,13,14,15)
v4 <- c(16,17,18,19,20)
Another way to create the second
matrix is to use the matrix function to reshape a vector into a
matrix of the right dimensions.
v <- seq(from=1,to=20,by=1)
matrix(v, nrow=4, ncol=5)
Notice that this is not exactly right—we
need to specify that we want to fill in the matrix by row.
> matrix(v, nrow=4, ncol=5, byrow=TRUE)
It is often helpful to name the
columns and rows of a matrix using colnames and rownames. In the following, first we save the
matrix as matrix20, and then we name the columns and rows.
matrix20 <- matrix(v, nrow=4,
ncol=5, byrow=TRUE)
colnames(matrix20) <- c("Col1","Col2","Col3","Col4","Col5")
rownames(matrix20) <-
You can type colnames(matrix20)/rownames(matrix20) at any point to see the column/row
names for matrix20.
To access a particular element in a
vector or matrix, index it by number or by name with square braces:
> v[3]
# third element of v
# second column of matrix20
# fourth row of matrix20
element in third row and first column of matrix20
> matrix20[3,1]
element in third row and first column of matrix20
You can find the length of a vector
or number of rows or columns in a matrix using length, nrow, and ncol.
Since you will be working with
external datasets, you will need functions to read in data tables from text
files. For instance, suppose you wanted to read in the Haberman’s Survival
dataset (from the UCI Repository). Use the read.table function:
dataset <- read.table("C:\\Datasets\\haberman.csv",
header=FALSE, sep=",")
The first argument is the location
(full path) of the file. If the first row of data contains column names, then
the second argument should be header = TRUE, and otherwise it is header = FALSE. The third argument contains the delimiter. If the data are
separated by spaces or tabs, then the argument is sep = " " and sep = "\t" respectively. The default delimiter
(if you do not include this argument at all) is “white space” (one or more
spaces, tabs, etc.). Alternatively, you can use setwd to change directory and use only the
file name in the read.table function. If the delimiter is a
comma, you can also use read.csv and leave off the sep argument:
dataset <- read.csv("C:\\Datasets\\haberman.csv",
Use write.table to write a table to a file. Type ?write.table to see details about this function. If you need to write text
to a file, use the cat function.
A note about
matrices versus data frames: A data frame is similar to a matrix, except it can
also include non-numeric attributes. For example, there may be a column of
characters. Some functions require the data passed in to be in the form of a
data frame, which would be stated in the documentation. You can always coerce a
matrix into a data frame using as.data.frame. See Section 3.6 for an example.
A note about
factors: A factor is essentially a vector of categorical variables, encoded
using integers. For instance, if each example in our dataset has a binary class
attribute, say 0 or 1, then that attribute can be represented as a factor.
Certain functions require one of their arguments to be a factor. Use as.factor to encode a vector as a factor. See Sections 4.5 and 4.9 for
3.2 Sampling from
probability distributions
There are a number of functions for
sampling from probability distributions. For example, the following commands
generate random vectors of the user-specified length n from distributions (normal, exponential, poisson, uniform,
binomial) with user-specified parameters. There are other distributions as
norm_vec <- rnorm(n=10, mean=5,
exp_vec <- rexp(n=100, rate=3)
pois_vec <- rpois(n=50,
unif_vec <- runif(n=20, min=1,
bin_vec <- rbinom(n=20,
size=1000, prob=0.7)
Suppose you have a vector v of numbers. To randomly sample, say, 25 of the numbers, use the
sample function:
> sample(v, size=25, replace=FALSE)
If you want to sample with
replacement, set the replace argument to TRUE.
If you want to generate the same random vector each time you
call one of the random functions listed above, pick a “seed” for the random
number generator using set.seed, for example set.seed(100).
3.3 Analyzing
To compute the mean, variance, standard deviation, minimum,
maximum, and sum of a set of numbers, use mean, var, sd, min, max, and sum. There are also rowSum and colSum to find the row and column sums for a
matrix. To find the component-wise absolute value and square root of a
set of numbers, use abs and sqrt. Correlation and covariance for two vectors are computed
with cor and cov respectively.
Like other programming languages, you can write if statements, and for and while loops. For instance, here is a
simple loop that prints out even numbers between 1 and 10 (%% is the modulo operation):
> for (i
in 1:10){
if (i %% 2 == 0){
+ cat(paste(i, "is
even.\n", sep=" ")) # use paste to concatenate strings
The 1:10 part of the for loop can be specified as a vector. For instance, if you wanted
to loop over indices 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7, you could type for (i in c(1:3,5:7)).
To pick out the indices of elements
in a vector that satisfy a certain property, use which, for example:
which(v >= 0)# indices of
nonnegative elements of v
v[which(v >= 0)] # nonnegative elements of v
3.4 Plotting data
We use the Haberman’s Survival data (read into data frame dataset) to demonstrate plotting functions. Each row of data represents
a patient who had surgery for breast cancer. The three features are: the age of
the patient at the time of surgery, the year of the surgery, and the number of
positive axillary nodes detected. Here we plot:
Scatterplot of the first and third features,
Histogram of the second feature,
Boxplot of the first feature.
To put all three plots in a 1 × 3 matrix, use par(mfrow=c(1,3)). To put each plot in its own window,
use win.graph() to create new windows.
plot(dataset[,1], dataset[,3],
main="Scatterplot", xlab="Age", ylab="Number of
Nodes", pch=20)
main="Histogram", xlab="Year", ylab="Count")
main="Boxplot", xlab="Age")
The pch argument in the plot function can be varied to change the marker. Use points and lines to add extra points and lines to an
existing plot. You can save the plots in a number of different formats; make
sure the plot window is on top, and go to “File” then “Save as.”
3.5 Formulas
Certain functions have a “formula” as one of their arguments.
Usually this is a way to express the form of a model. Here is a simple example.
Suppose you have a response variable y and independent variables x1, x2, and x3. To express that y depends linearly on x1, x2, and x3, you would use the formula y ∼ x1 + x2 + x3, where y, x1, x2, and x3 are also column names in your data
matrix. See Section 3.6 for an example. Type ?formula for details on how to capture
nonlinear models.
3.6 Linear
One of the most common modeling
approaches in statistical learning is linear regression. In R, use the lm function to generate these models. The general form of a linear
regression model is
Y = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 + · · · + βkXk + ε, where ε is normally distributed with mean 0 and some variance σ2 .
Let y be a vector of dependent variables, and x1 and x2 be vectors of independent variables. We want to find the
coefficients of the linear regression model Y = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 + ε. The following commands generate the linear regression
model and give a summary of it.
lm_model <- lm(y ∼ x1 + x2,
The vector of coefficients for the
model is contained in lm model$coefficients.
Machine Learning Algorithms
We give the functions corresponding to the algorithms
covered in class. Look over the documentation for each function on your own as
only the most basic details are given in this tutorial.
For most of the following algorithms (as well as linear
regression), we would in practice first generate the model using training data,
and then predict values for test data. To make predictions, we use the predict function. To see documentation, go to the help page for the
algorithm, and then scroll through the Contents menu on the left side to find
the corresponding predict function. Or simply type ?predict.name, where name is the function corresponding to the algorithm.
Typically, the first argument is the variable in which you saved the model, and
the second argument is a matrix or data frame of test data. Note that when you
call the function, you can just type predict instead of predict.name. For instance, if we were to predict for the linear
regression model above, and x1 test and x2 test are vectors containing test data, we
can use the command
> predicted_values <- predict(lm_model,
newdata=as.data.frame(cbind(x1_test, x2_test)))
4.2 Apriori
To run the Apriori algorithm, first install the arules package and load it. See Section 1.2 for installing and loading
new packages. Here is an example of how to run the Apriori algorithm using the
Mushroom dataset. Note that the dataset must be a binary incidence matrix; the
column names should correspond to the “items” that make up the “transactions.”
The following commands print out a summary of the results and a list of the
generated rules.
dataset <- read.csv("C:\\Datasets\\analyticsfolder.csv",
header = TRUE)
analyticsfolder_rules <-
apriori(as.matrix(dataset), parameter = list(supp = 0.8, conf = 0.9))
You can modify the parameter settings
depending on your desired support and confidence thresholds.
4.3 Logistic
You do not need to install an extra
package for logistic regression. Using the same notation as in Section 3.6, the
command is:
> glm_mod <-glm(y ∼ x1+x2, family=binomial(link="logit"),
4.4 K-Means Clustering
You do not need an extra package. If X is the data matrix and m is the number of clusters, then the command is:
> kmeans_model <- kmeans(x=X, centers=m)
4.5 k-Nearest Neighbor Classification
Install and load the class package. Let X train and X test be matrices of the training and test
data respectively, and labels be a binary vector of class
attributes for the training examples. For k equal to K, the command is:
> knn_model <- knn(train=X_train, test=X_test,
cl=as.factor(labels), k=K)
Then knn model is a factor vector of class
attributes for the test set.
Install and load the e1071 package. Using the same notation as in Section 3.6, the command
> nB_model <- naiveBayes(y ∼ x1 + x2,
4.7 Decision
Trees (CART)
CART is implemented in the rpart package. Again using the formula, the command is
> cart_model <- rpart(y ∼ x1 + x2,
data=as.data.frame(cbind(y,x1,x2)), method="class")
You can use plot.rpart and text.rpart to plot the decision tree.
4.8 AdaBoost
There are a number
of different boosting functions in R. We show here one implementation that uses
decision trees as base classifiers. Thus the rpart package should be loaded. Also, the
boosting function ada is in the ada package. Let X be the matrix of features, and labels be a vector of 0-1 class labels. The command is
> boost_model <- ada(x=X, y=labels)
4.9 Support
Vector Machines (SVM)
The SVM algorithm is in the e1071 package. Let X be the matrix of features, and labels be a vector of 0-1 class labels. Let
the regularization parameter be C. Use the following commands to generate the SVM model and
view details:
svm_model <- svm(x=X,
y=as.factor(labels), kernel ="radial", cost=C)
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